Other Residents Associations
FeCRA (The Federation of Cambridge Residents’ Associations)
FeCRA Website: www.fecra.org.uk
The Milton Road Residents Association are a member of FeCRA, and benefit hugely from their expertise and help with information gathering and with the formation of the Residents Association. Contact them on secretary@fecra.org.uk if you need help setting up your own residents association.
Hurst Park Estate Residents' Association (HPERA)

For the residents of the Hurst Park Estate area. Visit them at hpera.co.uk
- Hurst Park Avenue
- Orchard Avenue
- Highfield Avenue
- Leys Avenue
- Leys Road
- Mulberry Close
- Highworth Avenue
Arbury Road East Residents Association (ARERA)
For the residents of Arbury Road (from Milton Road to Arbury Court/Campkin Road). Contact by email:
Lucy Edgeley: lucyedgeley@btconnect.com or Maggie Fernie: margaret.fernie@ntlworld.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ARERA.Cambridge
Ascham Road and Gurney Way Residents Association
For the residents of Ascham Road and Gurney Way. Contact by email:
Gillian Perkins: gillian.perkins@dsl.pipex.com or Liz Hodder: e.hod@btinternet.com
Friends of Mitcham's Corner
For the residents of the Mitcham's Corner area. Visit them at www.friendsofmitchamscorner.org.uk
Histon Road Residents Association
For the residents of Histon Road and the local area. Visit them at histonroadra.wordpress.com
Contact by email: Emma Wynne: histonroadra@gmail.com
Chesterton Association
The Chesterton Association, visit them at www.chestertoncommunityassociation.org.uk
Friends of Milton Road Library
To support Milton Road Library, visit them at http://www.friendsofmiltonroadlibrary.org.uk
Madingley Road Area Residents Association (MRARA)
For the residents of Madingley Road Area. Visit them at www.mrara.org.uk